Spring - time to plant your salsa

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Seeds - Chile Fatalii

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The Fatalii is a cultivar of the capsicum chinense chile which was developed in central Africa from chiles introduced from the Americas.

Originating from South Africa, these pods grow to around 5-7cm and start out a light green ripening to yellow.  Related to the habanero, it has a rich fruity, citrus flavour with a very hot mouth burn that builds. 

It can also be used fresh to add heat and spice to marinades, dressings, barbeque sauces, salsa, and chutney.  Being thin-walled it is an ideal pepper for drying.

Plants usually grow to 50-60cm high and sometimes reach 1 metre, especially if planted in the ground.  A good producer.

Seed count varies ranging from 10-20 seeds per pack depending on supplier - please call ahead for confirmation.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Flavour and heat

Great initial flavour but big heat build which can kill flavour a little, prolific producer, my plants lasted 3 years before being removed for other crops.