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Charities We Support

Animals Asia

Founded in 1998, Animals Asia promotes compassion and respect for all animals and works to bring about long-term change. We work to end the barbaric bear bile trade, which sees over 10,000 bears kept on bile farms in China, and, according to official figures, almost 1,000 suffering the same fate in Vietnam.

In addition, Animals Asia campaigns for an end to abusive animal practices in zoos and safari parks in Asia, and works closely with governing authorities to improve animal management and increase awareness of the welfare needs of captive animals.  Click here for more information about Animals Asia.

Misión México

Since its establishment in 2000, Misión México in Tapachula has cared for children of all ages who have been abused, abandoned, neglected, often come from extreme poverty and having suffered unbelievable acts of violence.

The primary focus of the project is on education, providing children and youth the means to attend school from a Primary to Senior Secondary levels, Trade or Adult Learning Schools and/or even University if they have the abilities required. The project also offers extra classes and cultural activities which will benefit them not only socially, but provide greater opportunities for employment.

The project also offers health, hygiene and dental program to the community with the third major focus being the ’Missionsurf’ project, which involves the building of a surf school, club and restaurant/shop to provide both sustainability as well as employment for the children and locals.

Through these activities Misión México aims to help the children and youth to develop to their full potential, becoming responsible and contributing members of the community.  Click here for more information about Misión México.

Nature Foundation SA

Nature Foundation SA is a not-for-profit environmental organisation that works on our nature reserves and throughout South Australia to connect with and inspire others to Save, Protect, Restore and sustainably manage South Australia's natural heritage.  Click here for more information about Nature Foundation SA.

Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd Australia is a non-profit conservation organisation whose mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.

Sea Shepherd Australia uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately balanced oceanic ecosystems, Sea Shepherd Australia works to ensure their survival for future generations.  Click here for more information about Sea Shepherd.

Minton Farm Native Animal Rescue Centre

Minton Farm Animal Rescue Centre located in the Adelaide Hills region of South Australia, is a non-profit, non-government organization run entirely on community goodwill and volunteer time. The centre has been running successfully since its inception in 1992 focusing on both animal rescue work and conservation education.  Click here for more information about Minton Farm.

Trees for Life

Since 1981 Trees For Life have been working hard to safeguard our biodiversity. Revegetating and protecting bushland, farm land and urban terrain. With local knowledge, TFL raise awareness about native plants and animals. And with experience they empower people to take action and connect with their landscape. Click here for more information about Trees For Life.